We produced motion graphic promoting Dell's new eco-friendly packaging system.
In order to express a new package made of 100% eco-friendly materials such as paper,
paper texture was used in the background, and brown and green colors of trees were used.
In order to express a new package made of 100% eco-friendly materials such as paper,
paper texture was used in the background, and brown and green colors of trees were used.
델의 새로운 친환경 패키징 시스템을 홍보하는 모션그래픽 영상을 제작했습니다.
종이 등 100% 친환경 소재로 이루어진 새로운 패키지를 표현하기 위해서,
배경에서도 종이 질감을 사용하고, 나무의 브라운과 그린컬러를 사용하였습니다.
종이 등 100% 친환경 소재로 이루어진 새로운 패키지를 표현하기 위해서,
배경에서도 종이 질감을 사용하고, 나무의 브라운과 그린컬러를 사용하였습니다.
CLIENT - Dell Technologies
Creative Director - Park Sungwoo
Project Manager - Park Sungwoo, Goh Seongwoo(document work)
Modeling & Rigging - Lee Hyunji
Styleframe(Texture & Lighting) - Oh Hyojin, Park Sungwoo, Lee Hyunji
Animation - Lee Hyunji, Park Sungwoo, Park Seoyung, Oh Hyojin
FX(Cloth) - Oh Hyojin
Conpositing - Park Sungwoo, Oh Hyojin
Sound Design - Park Sungwoo
Project Manager - Park Sungwoo, Goh Seongwoo(document work)
Modeling & Rigging - Lee Hyunji
Styleframe(Texture & Lighting) - Oh Hyojin, Park Sungwoo, Lee Hyunji
Animation - Lee Hyunji, Park Sungwoo, Park Seoyung, Oh Hyojin
FX(Cloth) - Oh Hyojin
Conpositing - Park Sungwoo, Oh Hyojin
Sound Design - Park Sungwoo